Moving forward with the Activity Proposal

Hi all,

I thought that I'd try to get the ball rolling on the completion of the
activity proposal (Aug 15th is less than 2 weeks away after all).

First, from the minutes, we've identified volunteers to participate:

Volunteers for Charter workgroup:

Daniel Ash 
Phillip Hallam-Baker 
Blair Dillaway 
Merlin Hughes (potentially for Steven Farrell) 
Mike Just 
Shivaram Mysore 
Joe Pato 
(Joseph Reagle) 

but I don't have each of their email addresses (hence this email to the
entire group). If someone could send those out, then we can start to move
forward in our smaller group.

As for moving forward with the content, I'd first like to thank Phil for his
preparation of the draft activity proposal. From this start, I'd like to get
some consensus as to what we should be doing. For example,
- Should people be volunteering to complete, modify particular sections?
- Are we just looking for comments on the text that currently exists?

I suspect that it is "all of the above". From a W3C perspective, are there
any additional sections that need to be added to the draft? Do people feel
that the structure/organization of the document is fine as-is?

I'll volunteer to draft an update to the "Proposed Scope" section (there is
probably some overlap with the "Proposed Charter" later in the document). My
plan would be to include mention of the short-term plan of completing v1.2
and additionally specify those items which might be part of the long-term
plan for v2.0. This section already has a good list of items that are


Received on Thursday, 2 August 2001 08:07:12 UTC