See also: IRC log
<Jonathan> ACTION: somebody to create a testcase for an unknown extension wsdl:required=false [recorded in]
<TonyR> ACTION: somebody to create a testcase for an unknown extension wsdl:required=true [recorded in]
<TonyR> ACTION: Arthur to write test cases for messages and message exchanges for a simple WSDL (eg: an echo web service) [recorded in]
<pauld> interop event, our WG page links to the logistics page which links to registration
3. Review of Action items [.1]. ? 2005-07-21: Pauld to write a proposal for a working group report for requirements for schema evolution following closure of LC124 ? 2006-03-30: Marsh to make XSLT improvements for RDF publication. ? 2006-04-20: Glen to flesh out a model for runtime test scenarios. [.4] 2006-04-27: [interop] Arthur to add the expected assertion violated by each "bad" test case. ? 2006-05-11: [interop] Chairs to invite XFire to join this call per Tom Jordahl's suggestion ? 2006-05-11: [interop] Jonathan to look into how to create SOAP 1.2 services with .NET. [.3] 2006-05-18: Amy to write a proposal for CR029. ? 2006-06-01: [interop] Arthur to add wrappers to the schema. ? 2006-06-01: [interop] Arthur to put parent, features, properties in the base schema. ? 2006-06-01: [interop] Jonathan to add sorting of soap modules, http/soap headers. ? 2006-06-01: [interop] John to file issue whether {rpc signature} should be OPTIONAL (4.1.1). ? 2006-06-01: [interop] Jonathan to publicize interop event. DONE 2006-06-01: Arthur to review the WS-A spec in light of his CR022 proposal. Current Editorial Action Items - none - Note: Editorial AIs associated with LC issues recorded at [.2]. [.1] [.2] [.3] [.4]
Arthur not available
<scribe> No progress made so far
Amy's proposal
Jacekk: Its a good idea
<TonyR> RESOLUTION: adopt Amy's proposal for CR29
No objection
Tony: CR032 adopted. DaveO might want to object later but very unlikely.
Arthur not persent
charlton: volunteer to review the text
<TonyR> ACTION: Charlton to review the text appropriate to CR44 to ensure that it is adequately explanatory [recorded in]
Jacek: soap requires all the body and header to be namespace qualified
<TonyR> ACTION: Paul to address the issues in CR45 regarding schema without namespace [recorded in]
<TonyR> ACTION: Gil to write a response to the raiser of CR47 [recorded in]
<TonyR> RESOLUTION: Close with no action
<TonyR> RESOLUTION: close with no action - has already been explained to the commenter
<TonyR> RESOLUTION: close with no action - has already been explained to the commenter
<JacekK> ACTION: JacekK to respond to Jonathan re: CR050 [recorded in]
<TonyR> RESOLUTION: close with no action
RESOLUTION: Accept the proposal by Jonathan
<scribe> closed
Deferred to next call
<TonyR> ACTION: Jacek to write a clarification to Arthur's proposal, explaining that BindingFault is correct, not BindingFaultReference [recorded in]