Re: Other suggested editorial changes

Roberto Chinnici wrote:

> Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:
>> From: "David Booth" <>
>>> 3. We should clearly say that any paragraph marked "Note" is
>>> non-normative.  I suggest using the term "Non-normative Note" 
>>> instead of
>>> just "Note" to mark each Note.
>> Can we do this with a stylesheet change? I have not dealt with this.
> Wouldn't this change result into all notes being demoted to 
> non-normative ex post facto?

yes, that is my concern as well.

> I would object to the note on using the type of the wsdl:service element
> becoming all of a sudden non-normative, as that was not the resolution
> we recorded consensus on. Others may object to other notes undergoing
> a similar treatment.


> Roberto

Umit Yalcinalp                                  
Consulting Member of Technical Staff
Phone: +1 650 607 6154                          

Received on Wednesday, 17 March 2004 14:40:34 UTC