FW: Minutes (sorry so late!)

-----Original Message-----
From: Glen Daniels [mailto:gdaniels@macromedia.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 9:43 PM
To: Jonathan Marsh
Subject: Minutes (sorry so late!)

WS-Description Minutes March 20, 2003

 Erik Ackerman          Lexmark
 Mike Ballantyne        Electronic Data Systems
 David Booth            W3C
 Glen Daniels           Macromedia
 Dietmar Gaertner       Software AG
 Martin Gudgin          Microsoft
 Tom Jordahl            Macromedia
 Jacek Kopecky          Systinet
 Sandeep Kumar          Cisco Systems
 Amelia Lewis           TIBCO
 Steve Lind             AT&T
 Lily Liu               webMethods
 Jonathan Marsh         Chair (Microsoft)
 Dale Moberg            Cyclone Commerce
 Jean-Jacques Moreau    Canon
 Arthur Ryman           IBM
 Jeffrey Schlimmer      Microsoft
 Igor Sedukhin          Computer Associates
 Jerry Thrasher         Lexmark
 Steven White           SeeBeyond
 Umit Yalcinalp         Oracle

 Simon Genzer            IONA Technologies

 Allen Brookes          Rogue Wave Software
 Roberto Chinnici       Sun Microsystems
 Youenn Fablet          Canon
 Steve Graham           Global Grid Forum
 Kevin Canyang Liu      SAP
 William Vambenepe      Hewlett-Packard
 Sanjiva Weerawarana    IBM
 Prasad Yendluri        webMethods, Inc.

1. Assign scribe : Glen Daniels

2. Minutes from 13 March approved.

3. Action item review:

Review of action items [.1]:

PENDING   2003-01-21: Roberto and gudge to create a branch and work up
                      a binding proposal based on referencing type
                      systems directly from operation components.
                      (Umit's example, Sanjiva's example, WSDL 1.1
                      example, and others.)
PENDING   2003-01-30: Jacek to write up text on SOAP response MEP after
                      Gudge and Jeffrey send their proposal for
                      request/response MEP.
PENDING   2003-02-13: Arthur to propose improvements to the URL 
                      replacement mechanism.
PENDING   2003-02-13: Philippe to re-do HTTP bindings to allow 
                      per-method operation names etc.  Arthur to
PENDING   2003-02-27: Sanjiva to send summary of 
                      one-portType-per-service issue.
DONE      2003-03-04: Editors will review specification guidelines by 
                      18 March.
DONE      2003-03-04: Chair and team will review operational guidelines 
                      by 18 March.
PENDING   2003-03-04: Editors to discuss markup for testable assertions
                      in the spec and come back with a strategy.
PENDING   2003-03-04: Jonathan to recruit a QA contact for the WG.
PENDING   2003-03-04: Jonathan to recruit a test contact for the WG.
DONE      2003-03-13: Jonathan to notify QA guys that we will be late 
                      on comments to documents.
PENDING   2003-03-13: Editors will find part 2 issues to dispatch 
                      easily next telcon.
DONE [.2] 2003-03-13: New task force: dbooth, alewis, Gudge, Don, 
                      Philippe, and Sanjiva, come up with pros and cons 
                      of adding endpoint information to MEPs.
DONE [.3] 2003-03-13: Glen will communicate with architecture group 
                      about charter for properties and features task
PENDING   2003-03-13: Philippe will make a proposal concerning issue 
                      28 using features and properties.
PENDING   2003-03-13: GlenD to propose a Property representation of 
                      SOAP action parameter of application/soap+xml
PENDING   2003-03-13: Don will write a proposal for annotating schema 
                      with part information.

4. Admininstrivia:

People should make reservations for May F2F.

No response yet from QA contact recruitment.

No response yet from testing recruitment.

QA spec reviews - Amy's comments on the spec guidelines [.4]
  Jonathan: can we submit this in the next day or two?
  Multiple levels of conformance are too confusing - general agreement
(no dispute anyway)
  Amy : we seem in line with what XMLP did here.
  Jonathan : OK if I submit to QA?

ACTION: Jonathan to slice and dice Amy's comments to submit to the QA
group's web form

Jonathan : we have no QA contact/lead yet, so it seems difficult to
think in concrete terms about resources/planning yet....

Jonathan : please ask within your organizations to see if there are QA
folks who might be interested in being involved

Arthur : Can we cooperate here with WS-I?

Arthur : WS-I "profile" of WSDL 1.2 will hopefully be exactly what's in
the spec (profiling 1.1 was due to inconsistencies / errors)

Arthur : Can we share tests?

Jonathan : Maybe we can share their validator, which would schema
validate plus do WSDL-specific checks?

Jonathan : might be timing issues with syncing with WS-I

Jonathan : need some kind of plan to be more solid - how do you test

Jonathan: we should list assertions in doc at least

Arthur : What about a "WSDL validator"? (like the schema validator)

Jonathan : That'd be great - volunteers?

Arthur : I'm interested, conditionally

ACTION : David Booth to investigate what it takes to get a validator
available as an official W3C entity

Jonathan : would still like a QA "lead", to help with more of a
full-scale plan rather than an ad-hoc one.

5.  New Issues. - Moving MIME info to abstract part (Arthur)

Arthur : need enough in the abstract interface to codegen

Arthur : Sometimes you want to send a MIME type, independent of binding

Arthur : should MIME be baked-in (like schema)?

Arthur : MIME should be a parallel type system...

Jonathan : do people generally agree with this?

Jeff S : Agree that MIME >type< information should be indicated in the
'abstract' part of the WSDL.

Jacek : +1

(General agreement that media type info should be expressible in the
abstract part of WSDL)

Jonathan : ok, we need to address this, but should move on for now,
since a proposal from Gudge/DBox/etc will be out soon.  Let's discuss
next week?

Everyone should read Arthur's proposal and Gudge's paper

7.  Issue 28: transport='uri'

Waiting on proposal from Phillippe.

8.  Issue 2: SOAPAction has been deprecated, as of SOAP 1.2

Waiting on proposal from Glen.

Glen summarizes - simple proposal to express as a property in WSDL, but
it either needs to be exposed as a property in the HTTP binding for SOAP
or added on via another spec.

ACTION : Glen will comment to XMLP re: SOAPAction being made a property
and the crufty fallback we could resort to if they don't.

9.  Issue 6e - Arthur's proposal on URL replacement.

Arthur : need to satisfy req #85, this is awaiting a proposal from me.

10. Issues 53-55 - W3C\Philippe's proposal on per-HTTP method binding

Arthur : this has been written up and just needs comments/cleaning
before presentation

11. Part 2 issues identified by Part 2 editors.

Jonathan : next week

12. Removing message.  Umit's posting on the value of part as an

Jonathan : holding off on this for now

13. Patterns.  

Jonathan : nothing further yet here

14. BindingType proposal from Kevin.

Postponed until March 27th, when Kevin returns.

Jonathan : any further business we can do this week?



[.1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/#actions
[.2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-desc-meps/
[.3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2003Mar/0029.html
[.4] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2003Mar/0040.html


Received on Wednesday, 26 March 2003 11:24:29 UTC