Proposal for documenting 1.1->1.2 transition

We are awaiting a proposal from me on how to document the WSDL 1.1 to
1.2 transition, and specifically whether techniques to work around the
removal of overloading should be presented, and if so, where.

My preference is not to document in the spec in-depth details of how to
rewrite WSDL 1.1 documents to become 1.2 documents, or redesign an
application to make exposing it through WSDL easier.  This is likely to
make our spec longer and harder for us to get review and ship.

This material also does not seem appropriate for a primer, given
mismatch between the advanced nature of the material and the audience
that we target for our primer.

A separate document or note does not look like a necessity in shipping
our deliverables.  Such a document is not required by our charter.  If
such a document is needed, we can expect it to be provided by third
parties.  All the information that we have is already publicly
available, on our mailing list.

So, my proposal is not to have in-depth information about how to manage
the 1.1 to 1.2 transition, but to include a simple list of changes in an
appendix to part 1 and part 2, similar to what SOAP has.

I believe that this proposal is in line with what the editors desire.

Received on Wednesday, 17 July 2002 18:34:22 UTC