Re: Label for Top Node of "triangle diagram"


My apologies that nobody has chosen to follow up with you in public.

I'd like to request that you resend the particular diagram you mention.  If
it's the layering diagram from your presentation at the f2f, I'd add the
additional great value it provided of putting everything we do with regards
to web services at the OSI application layer.  That context is very
important whether or not we still believe OSI got its 7 layers correct.

It seems likely the triangle diagram (as it has grown and been shaped) will
remain in our architecture document.  An overall contextual diagram such as
you showed could suitably set the stage for it.

Francis McCabe wrote:

> The bottom line? On reflection, the diagram seems to cause more
> confusion than light. A while ago I sent out a diagram based on layers;
> I am not sure that that is the right thing to do here but it's merit is
> that it clearly  distinguishes the different kinds of activities and
> entities involved in interacting systems.
> Frank


Received on Monday, 30 September 2002 19:00:58 UTC