Re: Stop the Choreography Definition insanity!

David Orchard wrote:
> 4. Get real.  To be blunt, if this group decides that it wants to re-invent
> choregraphy languages from ground up with n inputs, it will be a total waste
> of time. 

Is it appropriate to translate that as: "The problem is already solved 
and it is now the W3C's responsibility to rubber-stamp a solution 
(perhaps with tweaks) whether it meets any real business need or not."

In the long run, it will bein the W3C's best interest to let other 
standards bodies handled doomed specifications. I am personally relieved 
that it wasn't tainted with the ongoing UDDI debacle. IMHO, this 
choreography stuff is just as wrong-headed and in conflict with the way 
the Web handles state.

  Paul Prescod

Received on Monday, 21 October 2002 17:00:18 UTC