D-AC011 proposal

Following a review of the feedback on D-AC011 and its subordinate CSFs,
I'd like to offer the following proposal.

	D-AC011.1 subsumed by revised D-AC011

	D-AC011.1.1-22 removed. Although there is some agreement as to
	some/many of the principles identified, it has been suggested that
	citing these here is somewhat redundant (these are cited elsewhere and
	are more correctly the perview of the TAG) and unnecessarily
	exhaustive for the purposes of the Requirements document. IMO,
	they don't really qualify as CSFs since they are principles. We
	might want to cite references to the TAG's and other related docs
	that list these principles.

	D-AC011.2.3 removed. redundant with D-AC010

	D-AR011.1 (new) may more properly belong in, or be somewhat
	redundant with D-AC013

The proposed substitution would be as follows:


      is consistent with the architectural principles and design goals
      of the existing Web.

          D-AC011.2 recommends the use of existing Web technologies that adhere to
	the architectural and design principles of the Web and that provide clear
	functional coverage of the responsibilities and constraints for an
	identified architectural component.

                  D-AC011.2.1 Uses a standard identifier technology (URI)

                  D-AC011.2.2 Uses a standard transport/transfer technology

	D-AR011.1 WSAWG must closely monitor the deliverables of the TAG as they
	further refine and or document the architecture and design principles of
	the Web



Received on Wednesday, 22 May 2002 10:51:37 UTC