Re: Late binding

> SOAP will only help you do that if you know what method to use.


This is based on information derived from WSDL. In the current state
of the universe, business parters would have to negotiate business
contracts seperately (Eg like an SLA).. and I look at the WSDL as
an artifact of that contract.

So yes, there is "some prior information".

The whole scenario of dynamic discovery and usage of services 
working transparently together on the fly without any prior
knowledge or anything, is, in my opinion, quite improbabilistic.
The number of variables in that equation increases exponentially 
everyday :)


Mark Baker wrote:
> I'll take one last stab at this.  I've explained this several different
> ways, but I guess I haven't found a suitable way to convince anybody
> here.  That's quite unfortunate, because this is very important.
> On Fri, Jun 28, 2002 at 11:23:00PM -0400, Sam wrote:
> > Based on the WSDL I know what the input and output for the portType
> > is.
> >
> > SOAP will help me send the input information across the wire and
> > get the output information for that service.
> SOAP will only help you do that if you know what method to use.
> I liken the way in which the typical use of Web services work to a
> guessing game.  They basically say, "pick a number, any number, and if
> it's the one I'm thinking of, I'll give you something in return".  In
> other words, unless you have prior information about what the number is,
> you won't get anything except "sorry, pick another number".
> The Web, on the other hand, assigns the number 1 to the "give you
> something" operation, and everybody knows that, so there's no question
> what number you'd say when you want something.  This makes it very easy
> for two parties that have never met to exchange information, which is
> pretty important on the Internet.
> MB
> --
> Mark Baker, CTO, Idokorro Mobile (formerly Planetfred)
> Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.     

Received on Sunday, 30 June 2002 01:09:53 UTC