Re: WOWG: 4Sep proposed agenda

Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:

> I will be travelling to Rome this afternoon/evening/night/morning/whatever,
> so my participation in the telecon is at risk.
> peter

I was thinking of summarizing the B1 B2 state as:

a) You have found a significant flaw in my purported proof.
b) It is not clear yet whether this is fatal or not.
c) I am willing to try and repair it, but we would need minimally one week 
to do the repair and a second to verify, more realistically two weeks for 
each stage (i.e. a month total).

Does that look fair? And if the WG want us to keep trying are you happy to 
review a further attempt (making increased use of comprehension)?


Received on Wednesday, 3 September 2003 12:53:20 UTC