Dave Reynold's comment - dataranges

> I will admit 
> that it is possible I'm just not understanding the issue - in which 
> case I would ask Jeremy or someone to enlighten me (preferable in a 
> new thread)

Dave says
As an example could this:

<owl:DataRange rdf:about="#MyDR">
         <rdf:rest rdf:resource="&rdf;nil"/>

be included in OWL DL, for greater uniformity with other unnamed things in 
OWL DL (which can optionally be named).
and did not find Jim's pointing at issues 4.3 & 5.8 helpful.


I remember a brief discussion of this issuette at the editors meeting in 
Cambridge, but I seem to remember we were tired and out-of-time.

Other than that I do not recall discussion of this, or anything related.


Currently in OWL DL we permit

<owl:Class rdf:about="#MyClass">
         <rdf:first><owl:Thing rdf:ID="foo"></rdf:first>
         <rdf:rest rdf:resource="&rdf;nil"/>

corresponding to an enumerated class.

         <rdf:first><owl:Thing rdf:ID="foo"></rdf:first>
         <rdf:rest rdf:resource="&rdf;nil"/>

corresponding to an enumerated class description

         <rdf:rest rdf:resource="&rdf;nil"/>

(within appropriate context)
corresponding to an unnamed datarange

but not

<owl:DataRange rdf:about="#MyDR">
         <rdf:rest rdf:resource="&rdf;nil"/>

corresponding to a named datarange.

Dave's question is why?
I personally don't see a compelling reason, other than the WG wants to move to 
CR and the chairs forgot to allot time for considering this.

The Jena team believe they will have lower support costs if there is greater 
uniformity here.

Dave is clear that this is not very important:
If there is some non-trivial problem 
here then we certainly accept this is not a sufficiently important issue to 
warrant additional research at this stage in the process.
but we should either be able to offer some rationale or make this small 
change. Not seeing the current rationale, I currently would favour making the 

While it is possible to use XML Schema to construct similar concepts, it is 
not possible to currently use them within OWL, so relating this directly to 
datatyping is mistaken.


Received on Wednesday, 23 July 2003 16:01:24 UTC