WOWG: agenda Oct 24 telecon

October 24, 2002

1200 US East Coast
0900 US West Coast
1700 London

Duration: 75-90 minutes

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Chair: Schreiber
Scribe: <please volunteer>

1) ADMIN (15 min)

1.1 Roll call

Regrets: Hendler, van Harmelen, Hellman
See list archive for regrets within last 24 hours before telecon.

1.2 Minutes previous telecon

Proposal to accept as a true record of the Oct 17 telcon:
including amendment sent by Wallace (regrets).

1.3 Agenda amendments

1.4 Fft record

Proposal to accept the follwing as a true record of the face-to-face
meeting in Bristol, Oct 7-8:

1.5 Telecon schedule

- next telecon: Oct 31 per regular schedule
- scribe solicited for Oct 31
- note that DST end in US and Europe on Oct 27, so time difference
   with Japan increases by 1 hour.

1.6 Upcoming ftf meetings

- Manchester ftf will go though as provisionally planned, but is
   likely to be focused on test and implementations

2) ACTION ITEM REVIEW (10-20 min)

ACTION: DanC Write rationale for postponing 4.3.
ACTION: Jeremy liase with Mike about updating the OWL RDFS namespace doc
ACTION MikeSmith Add indication that classes as instances are part of Large
   OWL in Guide.
ACTION: Jeremy send message showing how rdfs fits into liite/fast/large
ACTION: Frank work with Guus to formulate proposal close 
   incl lite/fast/large
ACTION: Thompson - to complete review guide
ACTION: Obrst - to complete review guide.
ACTION: Hayes - send e-mail opposing deprecation.
ACTION: Frank will come up with some more use cases (ontology merging).
ACTION Peter Patel-Schneider/Pat Hayes: draft OWL semantics,
   including the "2 technical bits" [should also address issues 4.6,
   5.9, 5.22]
ACTION JeremyC: produce test cases (for semantics)
ACTION Volz: send OWL Lite in Datalog to W3C for the meeting record
   (Clarification: the presentation materials not just the paper.)
ACTION Ian Horrocks: send www-webont-wg a brief description of
   results of rules work on DAML.
ACTION DebM: raise hasValue issue.
ACTION Frank: collect suggestions for replacement name (for owl lite,
   large, and fast)
ACTION Mike Dean: update reference to remove constraint that
   inversefunctional is objectproperty.
ACTION Dan Connolly: test case
ACTION Jos DeRoo: test case
   (two test case actions pending release of test WD - test area 
ACTION Pat Hayes: be sure upcoming semantics draft addresses 5.22
ACTION: 4.6 EquivalentTo - suggested that Peter and Pat look at it,
   issue to remain OPEN
ACTION Jeremy Carroll: will move issue 5.5 (List syntax or semantics) 
ACTION Chairs: see if Ziv wishes to push Issue 5.7 (Range
   restrictions should not be separate URIs) or Postpone
ACTION Connolly: to move issue 5.13 Internet Media Type for OWL forward
ACTION Peter Patel-Schneider: to move issue 5.17 XML presentation
   syntax forward
ACTION Hendler: to move Issue 5.18 (support for unique names
   assumption) forward
ACTION Chairs: will ask Raphael if we want to bring this (5.19
   Classes as Instances) forward
ACTION Jeremy: to do test case for 5.19
ACTION: Mike to remove the sameXXX statements from owl reference
ACTION: Peter to generate test case to show disjointUnionOf can be
   rephrased w/existing constructs [and propose to close 5.21 by
   removing disjointUnionOf]
ACTION: Dan Connolly will fix 403 errors arising from the document.
ACTION MikeD catch ref up with issues, publish reference.
ACTION Deb M: publish synopsis

3) ISSUES (20-30 min)

3.1 Issue 5.21 "Drop disjointUnionOf"

Issue description:

Proposal by Patel-Schneider to close this issue:

3.2 Brief review of pther open issues

- status, new issue owners


- Test document (Carroll, de Roo)
- Guide document (Smith et al.)
- Language documents:
   * feature syniosis (McGuinness, van Harmelen)
   * reference (Dean)
   * abstract syntax (Patel-Schneider, Horrocks)
- Semantics document (Hayes, Patel-Schneider)
- Non-normative Appendices
   * XML presentation syntax (Patel-Schneider)
   * UML presentation syntax (Schreiber, Wallace)

5) AOB (0-5 min)

A. Th. Schreiber, SWI, University of Amsterdam

Received on Wednesday, 23 October 2002 11:03:55 UTC