Issue: Feature decision for compliance level 1: local range restrictions

Issue:  Feature decision for compliance level 1:  local range

Compliance level 1 – a subset of the full owl language – needs a
decision concerning local range restrictions.  The last proposal
included no local range construct.
The choices as detailed in [4] below are:
The choices are (for Level 1 compliance)
1 - no kind of local range restriction.  the rationale for this is
because choosing 2 or 3 below makes adding the other one hard and it is
not clear which is most useful.  Putting both in violated the goal of
maintaining simplicity.  I had more to say on this in [1] and the
embedded message and so did Frank in [2].  This is representationally
impoverished choice.
2 - Universally qualified local range restrictions.  (this allows me to
say that all my children are doctors).  This alone is not hard to
explain or implement but makes adding 3 harder to implement. Ian has
more to say on this in [3] and I have more to say on this in [1] (to
which Ian responded with [3]).  This is a choice that some limited
expressive power systems have made such as CLASSIC.
3 - Existentially qualified local range restrictions.  (this allows me
to say that some of my children are doctors).   This alone is not hard
to explain or implement but makes adding 2 harder to implement.  More
details in [1, 2, 3].
4 - both universally qualified and existentially qualified local range
restrictions.  (this allows me to say that all my children are persons
and I have some child who is a doctor and some child who is a
lawyer).    This is harder to implement and thus could mean some tool
developers will not do it.  Most expressive DLs make this choice.

One note, if cardinality is to be added, some kind of local range
restriction would be important to add.

Raised by:  Deborah McGuinness
Date:  May 22, 2002
Status: Raised

 Deborah L. McGuinness
 Knowledge Systems Laboratory
 Gates Computer Science Building, 2A Room 241
 Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020
 (voice) 650 723 9770    (stanford fax) 650 725 5850   (computer fax)
801 705 0941

Received on Thursday, 23 May 2002 00:17:11 UTC