ISSUE: Malformed DAML+OIL Restrictions

TITLE:       Malformed DAML+OIL Restrictions
DESCRIPTION: DAML+OIL allows for restrictions that are malformed.
	     Restrictions with missing components (e.g., a
	     restriction with no daml:onProperty triple) have no
	     semantic impact, even though treating them as RDF would
	     indicate that there should be some semantic import.  
	     Restrictions with extra components (e.g., a restriction with 
	     daml:onProperty triples to more than one property) have
	     unusual and misleading semantic impact (in general equating
	     the extensions of two or more well-formed restrictions).  

	     Both of these should be syntactically illegal in OWL.
RAISED BY:   Peter F. Patel-Schneider

Received on Thursday, 16 May 2002 14:35:35 UTC