Re: a problem with comprehensive entailments


> Is there a way that you can place a finite boundary on the number of
> this back and forth will occur, that is, is there a way, using
> entailments, that you will be absolutely certain that the entailments are
> actually comprehensive? For example, suppose we decide to go with this
> approach, and then just after CR, for example, someone demonstrates yet
> another example of a paradox for which no easy rule can be developed.
> then?

well, I think it comes down to what you do with what you have derived
  rdfs:Class a [ owl:complementOf [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty
      rdf:type; owl:maxCardinality "0"; owl:hasClass

is obtained via some entailment rules, but I think there
is no reason to ``assert such a graph i.e. I wouldn't
consider entailment rules as comprehension rules

Received on Monday, 6 May 2002 07:20:28 UTC