RE: Dark triples motivation

>>  > I think I explained this in a telcon, but I don't think
>>  > it got recorded very well, so I'll reiterate:
>>  >
>>  > The best way for group X to make a request to group Y
>>  > is for X to state its requirements *and* propose a solution,
>>  > as an existence proof that the requirements can be met.
>I guess I have this problem to.
>I can see that WOWG has stated a requirement for unasserted triples, and
>that a range of solutions has been proposed.
>However, the real problem is something else.
>It is this semantic layering problem, and dark triples is the solution.
>I am beginning to understand the problem. I have yet to understand the
>In terms of WOWG and RDFCore the problem is:
>  "It is difficult to layer a language on top of RDF because the syntactic
>and semantic layering get confused"
>or something like that; with DAML+OIL as an example.

Right. And what dark triples allow you to do is to make the syntactic 
layering invisible to the semantic layering, thereby removing the 
confusion. Simple enough?


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Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2002 19:32:00 UTC