introduction - Natasha Kravtsova

Dear all,

Sorry, for being late with my introduction.

My name is Natasha Kravtsova and I am research scientist at Philips 
Research, Eindhoven, 
the Netherlands. And I am an alternate member for Philips of the WebOnt 
working group. 

Originally from Belarus (White Russia), I graduated from the Belarussian 
State University, 
proudly holding the diploma of System Engineer and the title of M. Sc. My 
specialisation was
 Automatic Systems for Data Processing. Immediately after graduation, I 
came to Holland to 
continue my education at the Technical University of Eindhoven, at the 
2-year post-graduate 
program "User-System Interaction". Since then I work at Philips Research.

The interest in the Web Ontology development I can explain from the nature 
of my previous 
projects. Back at my first University I was working extensively on 
development of Data 
Processing systems, mainly expert systems. I think the roots for my 
interest are buried 
somewhere there. Later on, developing web-based mobile agents and 
applications, I realized the importance of Semantic web for the future 

I liked RDF exercise very much. It made me digging around for a while... 
as RDF is something 
new for me. 
<rdf:RDF xmlns=""
    <rdf:Description ID="natasha_k">
        <fullName>Natasha Kravtsova</fullName>
        <mailbox rdf:resource=""/>
        <nearestAirport rdf:parseType="Resource">

With kind regards

Natasha Kravtsova 
Media Interaction Group  (MI)

Philips Research Laboratories, 
Prof. Holstlaan 4,         Building WY-2.09
5656 AA Eindhoven,   Phone: +31 040 - 27 45044
The Netherlands         Fax      : +31 040 - 27 44918

Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2001 11:47:35 UTC