FW: <filled> event scoping question..

> Hello..
> What should be the correct catch handler for this example? Should the
> output be "Error Message 5" or "Error Message 1".
> <filled> is NOT a form item and so it doesn't have a runtime scope
> attached to it. Each filed will have a runtime scope and the <property>s
> are dealt along with the scope. When you execute the <filled> item below,
> the runtime scope of the browser would be the one from fieldF. When you
> try to find the best catch handler according to the spec, it tries first
> in current active scope which is fieldF and then in form, document scopes.
> So it finds and selects the catch handler in fieldF with "Error Message
> 5". Is this theory correct?
> Any suggestions/pointers in the 2.0 spec?
> <?xml version="1.0"?> 
> <!DOCTYPE vxml PUBLIC "-//BeVocal Inc//VoiceXML 2.0//EN"
> "http://cafe.bevocal.com/libraries/dtd/vxml2-0-bevocal.dtd">
> <vxml version="2.0" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2001/vxml">
> <catch event= "my_error"> Error message 1 </catch>
> <form id = "formC">
> <field name = "fieldC" type = "digits">
> <prompt> say another digit </prompt>
> <catch event = "my_error"> Error message 4 </catch>
> </field>
> <field name = "fieldF" type = "digits">
> <prompt> say yet another digit </prompt>
> <catch event = "my_error"> Error message 5 </catch>
> </field>
> <filled><throw event = "my_error"/></filled>
> </form>
> </vxml>
> Thanks
> Neeli

Received on Friday, 18 June 2004 14:19:58 UTC