CCXML Error Handling

I am looking for a clarification for Section 9.5.2, "Error Handling".  This section talks mostly about conditions that terminate script execution.  But other errors (presumably within the <transition> elements), state that :
"In general, when an error occurs in a CCXML document, the corresponding error event is added to the front of the CCXML document's event queue. This causes the CCXML document to process the error event immediately after the current event."
I understand an error event gets posted.  However, does execution of child elements (of the transition) stop at the point of error, or continue?
For example, given:
   <assign name="var1" expr="bad_expression">
   <assign name="var2" expr="var1 + '12345'"/>
   <createcall dest="var1 + var2"/>

I would think execution would stop at the first assign, post an error event to the front of the queue, and process the error event on the next pass?


Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2003 22:44:03 UTC