metadata is_a module

The loose language inherited from the HTML tradition in the area of
metadata is not the highest and best way to explain the metadata to be
incorporated in grammar declaration documents.

The 'author' field should be traceable to Dublin Core 'creator' by
machinable relationships expressed in normative exhibits in this

See the discussion of schemas and tracing the sense of metastuff in

which is just out.  See also the call for review at

We, W3C, should be developing a metadata module for grammars, schemas, and
all manner of metacode that reflects best current practice and 'exports the
semantics' well.  And speech grammar should use it, not re-invent or copy it.


Disclaimer:  These are individual remarks, despite any hats I may wear in
WAI-PF.  Have not been discussed among the group.

Received on Wednesday, 29 August 2001 14:09:08 UTC