Incorrect validation errors

My feed gets these errors, but they are incorrect


Additionally, my feed validates with XML. I am using the WordPress Blubrry
podcast plugin and there are many complaints in the blubrry forum about
wrong errors. 
<,6656.msg20125.html#msg20125>  An
alternate validator,   was suggested.

This feed does not validate.
* line 27 
g%2Faudio-sermons%2F%3Fpodcast#l27> , column 1: href must be a full URL:
-Podcasts.jpg [help
<> ]
* The URL is complete and works
> * 	<itunes:image href="
> ...
> *  ^
In addition, interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be
improved by implementing the following recommendations.
* line 2 
g%2Faudio-sermons%2F%3Fpodcast#l2> , column 0: Use of unknown namespace: [help
<> ]
> * <rss version="2.0"
* line 2 
g%2Faudio-sermons%2F%3Fpodcast#l2> , column 0: Use of unknown namespace: [help
<> ]
> * <rss version="2.0"
* line 62 
g%2Faudio-sermons%2F%3Fpodcast#l62> , column 156: itunes:summary should not
contain HTML: a (43 occurrences) [help
<> ]
> * ... N-7-SONS.docx">Sermon notes</a><br />]]></itunes:summary>
> *                                              ^
* line 1820 
g%2Faudio-sermons%2F%3Fpodcast#l1820> , column 12: Encode "&" and "<" in
plain text using hexadecimal character references. (2 occurrences) [help
<> ]
> * &lt;br /&gt;</itunes:summary>
> * 
> * 
> * Thank you for correcting/updating.
> * 
> * Regards,
> * Michael
> * 
*             ^

Received on Tuesday, 29 November 2016 09:09:59 UTC