Re: Validation error from base 64 encoded data in an object element.

  From: Michael[tm] Smith <>
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 14:12:22 +0900
 > ... make each of your "data" attribute values a single line, ...

OK; the document now validates again.

The table still needs work.  Cf.

In case anyone is interested, the following script created the
base64 encoded bitmaps.

The enormously long lines of the bitmaps were inserted with a
text editor.

Thanks,           ... Peter E.

echo Rendering the SVG diagrams of Category 2 to PNG bitmaps
echo and then encoding in base64.

echo -e "\x22>\r\n" > HtmlObjectEnd
cat CatProduct0x0Test0.svg | rsvg-convert | base64 -w 0 \
   | cat - HtmlObjectEnd > CatProduct0x0Test0.png.b64

cat CatProduct0x0Test1.svg | rsvg-convert | base64 -w 0 \
   | cat - HtmlObjectEnd > CatProduct0x0Test1.png.b64

cat CatProduct0x1Test0.svg | rsvg-convert | base64 -w 0 \
   | cat - HtmlObjectEnd > CatProduct0x1Test0.png.b64

cat CatProduct0x1Test1.svg | rsvg-convert | base64 -w 0 \
   | cat - HtmlObjectEnd > CatProduct0x1Test1.png.b64

cat CatProduct1x1Test0.svg | rsvg-convert | base64 -w 0 \
   | cat - HtmlObjectEnd > CatProduct1x1Test0.png.b64

cat CatProduct1x1Test1.svg | rsvg-convert | base64 -w 0 \
   | cat - HtmlObjectEnd > CatProduct1x1Test1.png.b64

Received on Saturday, 30 November 2013 04:05:08 UTC