escaped & not validated correctly

validating a page by direct input (it's a private site, therefore no url!) I got
the following message:

>  Error Line 64, Column 31: & did not start a character reference. (& probably
> should have been escaped as &.)
obviously there is no unescaped &.

That is the whole div containing the & in question:

<div class='text'>
<a class='imgB' href='?art=del&amp;file=datei1#focus
src='del.png <view-source:>' alt='del'
<a class='imgB' href='?art=edit&amp;file=datei1#focus
src='change.png <view-source:>'
alt='change' /></a>
Die Kreuzigung (John Stainer)<br />;me=8</div>

Thank you for the validator. Best regards.

Markus Schicketanz

Received on Friday, 1 March 2013 13:32:03 UTC