<fb:like-box> tags


On my website http:www.landgoedbergvliet.nl I have got a facebook widget which contains the following tags <fb:like-box> </fb:like-box>. But when I HTML-validate my site, these tags are mentioned as an error. Removing the tags of the widget Is not an option, because then the facebook-widget doesn't work anymore. Is there a possibility to fix this problem, because I want a clean html code?

Kind Regards,

Gijs Pheninckx
Golfbaan Landgoed Bergvliet


[cid:image003.png@01CC2600.C311F050]<http://twitter.com/BergvlietGolf>  [cid:image004.png@01CC2600.C311F050] <http://www.facebook.com/pages/Golfbaan-Landgoed-Bergvliet/144208895618311>   [cid:image005.png@01CC2600.C311F050] <http://landgoedbergvliet.nl/images/social_media/LinkedIn.png>

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Received on Wednesday, 8 June 2011 17:19:25 UTC