[VE][libxml2-73] attributes construct error re img src

      <ul class="gallery_display">
        <li class="gallery_prod_desc">3 8&#34; Mops &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</li>
        <li class="gallery_landscape_prod_img"><a href="index1.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD1&amp;ProdID=45&amp;mancode=&amp;category=121&amp;lob=8&amp;pc=1&amp;pl=Polishing Kit&amp;cn=Best Buys&amp;pd=3 8&#34; Mops"><img src="pp_prod_images/P6030017a.JPG"  title="Click for more information on the 3 8&#34; Mops"  width="166" height="133"  alt=""/></a></li>
        <li class="gallery_landscape_prod_price"><img src="pp_site_images/pp_currency.gif" width="14" height="30"  alt="" /><img src="pp_site_images/pp_2.gif"alt="" /><img src="pp_site_images/pp_0.gif"alt="" /><img src="pp_site_images/pp_period.gif"alt="" /><img src="pp_site_images/pp_9.gif"alt="" /><img src="pp_site_images/pp_9.gif"alt="" /></li>
        <li class="gallery_landscape_was_price">&nbsp;</li>
        <li class="gallery_message">Normally&nbsp;in stock</li>
        <li class="gallery_promotion"></li>
        <li class="gallery_buy_button"><a href="index1.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD1&amp;ProdID=45&amp;mancode=&amp;category=121&amp;lob=8&amp;pl=Polishing Kit&amp;cn=Best Buys&amp;pd=3 8&#34; Mops">  <img src="pp_site_images/pp_buy_wht_bg.gif" title='Click the options available re 3 8&#34; Mops' width="50"  alt=""/></a></li>
Error Message
Line 115, Column 80: attributes construct error …_price"><img src="pp_site_images/pp_currency.gif" alt="" /><img src="pp_site_i…postion where the error is detected in thos line of code is in shown as a captital:-     curRency 
Can you tell me what the problem is as I have run out of ideas depite checking everywhere I can on the web
Regards Harvey Bailey

Error [libxml2-73]: ""
NOTE: Whenever possible, give the address of the document you were checking.  		 	   		  

Received on Monday, 3 January 2011 16:29:00 UTC