about a bug

Dear W3C,

this is just to inform You about a recurrent problem that I have met.
I'm trying to validate some sites of myne, but to me it is not convenient to put

after the
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://5tibetanrites.astrotime.org">

line, since in that case the Firefox (3.0.4.) that I use for tests behaves differently from the normal mode inside the page's layout, in various, unusual and unpredictable cases.

This could appear very strange, but I have checked these problems more than one time.

A unexpected effect, that I mentioned to altervista.org too, was the impossibility to show by a click one hidden area into the bottom of the HTML page (through a showhide script).

I have vasted hours to find out the reason. 
Putting the <HTML> tag to the 1st line fixed this problem; I did verify that only in this mode the IExplorer and Firefox layouts could match exactly; but it doesn't deal with a single case. I did not take note of others, so I cannot remember exactly,
since they are able to escape any logical process, but they seemed related to the areas and delimiters spacing.

Cannot try to inform the Firefox operators, due to their subscriptions requirements and time lost, but I hope this can be useful.

Kind regards,
Antonio Alessi




Received on Wednesday, 16 September 2009 07:02:47 UTC