Re: HTML Validator HTTP Accept

David, I know, what Hixie wrote. I know the whole theoretical stuff.
But I asked you for Apache configuration code to ship through this  
challenge. I want real world examples and real world usable code,  
which proves, that your theoretical idea is realizable for daily  
practical use.
All other words around that topic are needless, if they can't be  
transferred into real world use and can cope with real world needs.  
And I told you, where the practical usefulness of content negotiation  
ends in real and daily work needs and environments. You can't ignore  
fully IE with its lack of capability for application/xhtml+xml. You  
have to arrange with that fact. And you have to find out solutions,  
that have the smallest impact and footprint, when using them. What you  
think of, is not a small and practical solution. Providing by the  
clients a reasonable accept header, and make decisions on base of that  
given information, that's a solution, real world needs can cope with.
Please arrange with reality and reality's given environments and not  
with heaven's ideals, which might theoretically the correct thing but  
could never be reached in reality. And if it's claer, that a  
theoretically thing (or a specification) pasts the reality and the  
reality's needs, than you have to correct this specification and  
rules. And such a correction in that direction has been (will be soon)  
made with (see 
  as well as CSS2.1 also now fits the needs of real world capabilities  
with regards to some browsers.
Please don't be that bullheaded.

So, whre is the axample configuration code for Apache from you to  
prove, that ONE single document can be served as text/html as well as  
application/xhtml+xml WITHOUT any information given by accept headers  
by the client?


Received on Friday, 12 December 2008 00:48:46 UTC