Re: Unknown Parse Mode! in form submission

Neerav Modi wrote:

> I receive the following error or warning:

> =======Error =======
> Unknown Parse Mode!

> The MIME Media Type () for this document is used to serve
> both SGML and XML based documents, and it is not possible to
> disambiguate it based on the DOCTYPE Declaration in your
> document. Parsing will continue in SGML mode.
> =======End error=======

Beats me, you clearly say XML, there should be no question
about the "parse mode".

Manipulating the content-type in your meta doesn't help -
I tried "text/xml" instead of "application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml".

Adding encoding="UTF-8" to the <?xml ... ?> doesn't help.

Adding encoding="US-ASCII" results in an additional error,
claiming that UTF-8 is not UTF-8.  That's very odd, because
the validator apparently parsed and interpreted your meta
up to its charset=UTF-8 correctly.  Two characters later it
drops the ball and throws an error for the XML /> expecting
only a > at the end of your meta (in SGML mode).

The best I got was "tentatively valid XHTML transitional"
on <> with a
DOCTYPE override.

Are you sure that the WAPFORUM DTD is syntactically okay ?
Maybe we need a DTD validator.... ;-)


Received on Monday, 4 September 2006 17:52:08 UTC