Re: Strange advice re BOM and UTF-8

On Dec 7, 2006, at 21:56 , Karl Dubost wrote:
> Time for interoperability testing and implementation report
> Feel free to modify the wording of the page or to provide a better  
> way to test.

I think the test reporting should probably be changed from good/bad  
(defined by passing the first test I assume?) to noting which of the  
basic/extended test passes or fails. My browser for instance passes  
the basi test but not the extended, which seems to mean that the BOM  
is not harmful to it, but it's not used either.

If we are to draw conclusions from this testing, we might as well see  
whether the BOM breaks implementations AND whether it is used at all.


Received on Friday, 8 December 2006 12:01:50 UTC