Local Installation Problem with Include Files

   I followed the validator installation instructions for Windows [1] 
and got most of it working well, but I've got a small problem with the 
Apache configuration.

The include files are not being included and error_validator.log is 
being filled with the following error message:

[Mon Nov 14 22:53:08 2005] [warn] [client] mod_include: 
Options +Includes (or IncludesNoExec) wasn't set, INCLUDES filter removed

I appended the Apache configuration to the end of httpd.conf, as 
instructed, and modified the directory paths and server name [2] as 
required, but I cannot figure out why includes are not working.  I even 
tried returning to the default httpd.conf initially installed by Apache 
and appending this incase any of my previous changes were causing a 
problem, but it didn't fix it.


     ServerName validator
     DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/validator-0.7.1/htdocs"

     ErrorLog logs/error_validator.log
     CustomLog logs/access_validator.log common

     ScriptAlias /cgi-bin "C:/Program Files/validator-0.7.1/httpd/cgi-bin"
     ScriptAlias /check "C:/Program 

     AddType text/html .html
     AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .html

     <Directory "C:/Program Files/validator-0.7.1/validator/htdocs">
         Options ExecCGI Includes Indexes MultiViews
         AllowOverride None
         Order deny,allow
         Allow from localhost

     <Directory "C:/Program Files/validator-0.7.1/httpd/cgi-bin">
         Options ExecCGI Includes Indexes MultiViews
         AllowOverride None
         Order deny,allow
         Allow from localhost


[1] http://validator.w3.org/docs/install_win.html
[2] I set it up to be accessible from <http://validator/>, instead of
     <http://validator.example.org/> as suggested in the instructions.

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Monday, 14 November 2005 12:15:36 UTC