checklink: broken fragments??

I'm very-very-very new to web making, so maybe I'm not understanding this 

On every page I've checked, I get at least 1 "broken fragment" report.

Here is one:
Fragments listed are broken. See the table below to know what action to take.

Code    Occurrences What to do  
200 1   There are broken fragments which must be fixed. What 
to do: There are broken fragments which must be fixed.
Response status code: 200
Response message: OK Lines: 163, 547, 548 Broken fragments and their line 
numbers: They need to be fixed! top: 547 Checked 1 document in 107.5 seconds.

I check the lines in my page.  Most often, the first line noted has NO link 
on that line.
Most often the last 2 lines noted are beyond the number of total lines in my 
webpage, per Frontpage program.  Meaning, my document ends on say, line 530 
but w3 says there's a broken link on lines 535 and 536.  I'm totally confused by 

It also shows fragments on lines where the only code is, for example, a page 
break, or a table open or close tag (no links anywhere in that table though).  
 Or any one of a number of different tags might be on a line, but no links 
are there.

I have 50+ pages to check, all set up the same way, so I suspect I'll see 
many similar reports.  If I'm misunderstanding w3, I hope someone will explain it 
so I can fix whatever needs fixed on my side.



Received on Wednesday, 9 November 2005 03:19:27 UTC