Re: [VE][63] Error Message Feedback

On Sat, 12 Mar 2005, Chris McCulloh wrote:

> I'm not really sure what this is trying to say to me. Is it saying that
> anywhere in my text (that appears to a visitor) that I want to have a % or /
> I have to surround them with quotation marks?

You need to understand what "attribute" means in HTML.


The validator reports the page as valid, so I don't see what error message
you are referring to.

Actually your DTD is malformed, though the validator does not
catch this; you have written "Transitionial" but the
correct spelling is "Transitional". (The validator apparently
uses the URL and does not care about the FPI.)

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela,

Received on Saturday, 12 March 2005 19:17:35 UTC