Validator tests "charset" parameter of server or browser, not only the "charset" parameter of the XML

Dear developer team

The following error message of your web site seems to cause constantly 
   "Note:The HTTP Content-Type header sent by your web browser (unknown) 
did not contain a "charset" parameter, but the Content-Type was one of 
the XML text/* sub-types (text/xml). The relevant specification (RFC 
3023) specifies a strong default of "us-ascii" for such documents so we 
will use this value regardless of any encoding you may have indicated 
elsewhere. ..."

This irritation may be caused by the misleading title of your website. 
It's "Markup Validation Service".

As a matter of fact, your website tests BOTH the markup and the 
behaviour of my web server. Or even worse, it refuses to test my markup 
if my server fails the test. If my XML is valid, the test should be 
passed even though my server doesn't fulfil any other requirements.

I've realised that the extended validation options allow to avoid this 
error in test design but it still remains an error :-(


Received on Friday, 24 June 2005 05:28:46 UTC