Correcting to Windows installation notes



Here are some corrections to the installation notes for windows users
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The section 'Directory Structure' talks about installing the DTD collection
into c:\www\sgml-lib and the validator into c:\www\validator.  Doing this
means that the sgml-lib sub-folder in c:\www\validator\htdocs is missing
causing an errors.  You either need to unzip both the validator and the
sgml-lib into the same folder, or copy the sgml-lib from the c:\www\sgml-lib
folder to the c:\www\validator\htdocs folder.


In the section 'Configuration of the Validator':

For consistency with statements made earlier in the page:

The line 'Base = D:/www/validator' should read 'Base = C:/www/validator'.
The line 'Parser = D:/www/opensp/onsgmls.exe' should read 'Parser =
Hope this helps,

Received on Friday, 19 August 2005 10:06:01 UTC