Shocking Validator Error

There is a grievous error in the following results page of the W3C's
MarkUp Validator service:

This page used to correctly return a reply stating "[t]his page is 
*not* valid XHTML 1.0 Strict", but now it indicates that the page 
is--to my utter disbelief--valid. I cannot bring myself to 
understanding why on earth the Validator service would want to:

a) Destroy the now traditional irony in its self-invalidity.
b) Completely obliterate the sustenance of 95% of the posters to the
Validator's www-validator mailing list.
c) Change the meaning of the resource denoted by the URI, i.e. from
the results of an invalid page to the results of a valid one.

People like Roman Fillipov, in the following message, will now be made
to look like fools because the results to which they allude are no
longer present:

Furthermore, there is a *distinct* possibility that section 5.6.3 of
the most recently TAG specification states, unequivocally, that "[t]he
W3C MarkUp Validation service MUST be ironic at all times, even when
Terje is feeling slightly under the weather". Thus, the Validator's
lack of ironicity constitutes a flagrant violation of WebArch, as well
as doing a disservice to the tens of thousands of bloggers who depend
on the W3C's Validator for their daily idiotic banal griping.

I believe that the hideous error was introduced sometime in the recent 
upgrade to the 0.6.6 version of the service. The banana peel now used 
as a background image at the bottom of the site *clearly* 
metaphorically represents the slip up which you have incurred, along 
with the repressed sexual desires of some of the Validator's maintainers.

I suggest you fix this problem immediately lest I contact the
Validator's W3T team contact, QA domain lead, and possibly even
director, and have you all be publically pied in the face a la Bill Gates.

Sean B. Palmer, <>
"phenomicity by the bucketful" -

Received on Sunday, 30 May 2004 01:35:59 UTC