Re: [VE][64] New Error Message Suggestion

On Tue, 8 Jun 2004, Thierry Schellenbach wrote:

> I've read your error message. But is doesnt do me much good.
> I 'm quite new to building site's and i dont have a clue why my code is wrong.
> <body background=images/achtergrond4.gif bgcolor=#ffffff text=#ffffff onLoad="se

Quotes are required for attribute values that contain '/' or '#' (among 
other characters):

<body background="images/achtergrond4.gif" bgcolor="#ffffff"  

(BTW, do you really want white text on a white background?  I find that 
combination difficult to read.)

> You alse gave me this strange error
> Line 46, column 6: end tag for element "HEAD" which is not open
> </head>

The </head> tag is optional, and the end of the "head" is implied by any
element that belongs in "body" or by loose text.  The loose text can
happen inadvertently if you use XHTML syntax for empty elements in HTML;  
details about that are at
<>, although we can't know
if that's the problem in your case since you didn't provide the HTML that
generated the error.

Liam Quinn

Received on Tuesday, 8 June 2004 22:03:01 UTC