Re: [VE][141] New Error Message Suggestion

> You have been mislead, by a link on W3C pages, to send an e-mail
> message with the Subject line "[VE][141] New Error Message
> Suggestion", to the public discussion list

Thank you, Jukka, for the heads-up.  That was not clear from the page I was

I had been misled to think that, since "name" had to match in radio buttons,
then "id" had to match, too.  Obviously wrong.  Perhaps, then, a more
clearly worded error message -- plain language for us dunderheads -- would
help, as well as clearer instructions in other documentation.  Thanks
again... to you, and to David, who helped to set me straight.


Received on Sunday, 6 June 2004 03:09:39 UTC