Re: XHTML Validation using Apache Ant

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

>  * or
>  *
>Or reference
>  *

Excellent, that's a great improvement.  I have attached my successful 
Ant validation scripts.  There are three files:

* validate.xml is the Ant buildfile and provides the main guts.

* xmlcatalog.xml is a catalog giving the local cache filenames of the 
DTDs (having this is most important in achieving reasonable validation 
times).  Only the W3C entries are of general interest; you can delete 
the first three entries, which are specific to my website.

* validate-html.bat is my start script.  Validation can start at the 
document root ('htdocs') or any sub-tree within it.  Note that it 
depends on some Cygwin unix-like tools, grep and tail.

I validated 1626 XHTML files in my website in just under three minutes 
on a 2.4GHz PC.

Would anyone care to comment on whether it is preferable to use Ant or 
to download and use the offline W3C validator? And why?  The only issue 
I can think of is that the Ant approach doesn't work for legacy HTML, 
which I have now moved away from.  Can anyone suggest other pros and cons?

Rick :-)

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Received on Monday, 16 February 2004 12:32:06 UTC