Re: Need HTTP help for validator access script

On Thu, 27 Feb 2003, Steve Clay wrote:

> I made a PHP script to allow validation of limited-access URIs, such
> as those on an intranet or home test server.  The idea:
> * Access URI locally (given by querystring)
> * Save contents to variable
> * Make variable look like "file upload" POST headers
> * Submit variable to validator
> * Echo validator's response
> A bookmarklet could make this a one-click process.
> What I have:
> The problem is that the headers I put together (learned by using
> and the HTML specs) are malformed
> and I can't seem to troubleshoot it.  My failures to get cURL to
> install were pitiful, but it looks like it'd be overkill for this anyway.

You need to use \r\n instead of \n.  You need to specify a valid HTTP
version such as 1.0 or 1.1 rather than 1.x.  You need an extra newline
before the first boundary ("--AaB03x") since the first boundary belongs in
the message body rather than the headers.

Watching what other browsers do using a tool like Ethereal
( can be helpful to clear up any confusion you
might have after reading the relevant specification.

Liam Quinn

Received on Thursday, 27 February 2003 22:26:36 UTC