Javascript Errors...

To Whom it May Concern:

    Hello, I develop sites for a smaller company, I took over from the previous webmaster which was an outside company.  Anyways, the company before me thought it was smart to invest time and money into some software called "InMagic".  The software makes it's own HTML which is terribly written.  I've been trying to make my code XHTML 1.0 Transitional valid, and make it 508 compliant as well.  The software though that builds the queries and pages after however has an initializing script which opens an object.  Like I said, stupid software in my mind at least.  It initialized the "body" tag and the "form" tag... I can block the body one, but the tag initializes the Java applets which use JavaScript to start up as well... My question/suggestion I guess is.  Is that maybe a script initializing catch script might cause less errors in trying to validated.  

Start of the script...
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
dbtw_q_applet( "QI11" );

Errors the rest of the way down, each line.

  <param name="tbname" value="<%=Basename%>" />
  <param name="field" value="Operable Unit" />
  <param name="boxname" value="QI11" />
  <param name="title" value="Operable Unit" />
  <param name="termfirst" value="512" />
  <param name="termlist" value="1" />
  <param name="wordlist" value="1" />
  <param name="type" value="1" />

The validator also gives me an error on the closing tag... Since the script is a lot like the open applet script.  As much as I would love to get rid of the JavaScript initializes, I can't... The database software, InMagic, freaks out and displays no data at all.

Anyways, I just thought I send a heads up.  I'm going to leave the "XHTML" valid off the query page for the moment.  Any suggestions or feedback on the issue would be great.  Thanks.

Received on Tuesday, 2 December 2003 05:16:58 UTC