Re: Query

*Saurabh Jain*:
> Our website <>  gives me more than
> 150 errors when run the validation check on <>.

It's "only" 106 errors when I checked it.

> Does that mean that there's something wrong with the script?

If you mean the script that generates your page, then yes.
If you mean the inline script, then yes, too (see below).

Your basic errors are:
· no 'type' attribute given for the 'script' elements ("text/javascript" works
best, although still not registered),
· the character sequence "</" inside a 'script', although you didn't want to
end it there (change to "<\/"),
· proprietary, presentational attributes (e.g. for 'body' and 'table', use
· &s in 'href's, which start an entity reference that isn't defined (use ; or
· no 'alt' attribute for 'img's, although it is required for accessibility
reasons (for purely presentational images alt="" is perfectly okay).

That are all FAQ errors.

Received on Tuesday, 2 December 2003 03:23:44 UTC