Re: [ANN] W3C Markup Validator 0.6.5 Beta #1 - "Zeldman Made Us Do It!" - Is Released!

Terje Bless wrote:

[long snip]

> >It's not just "complaining". It's claiming that a valid document is
> >invalid. And this is apparently intentional. Hence, it does not even try
> >to be a validator any more.
> That does not follow; neither from the argument nor from the observed
> behaviour. 

With respect, it /does/ follow : this is the primary diagnostic
which results from validating Jukka's page (

	This page is not Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional!

which is clearly a fallacious and extremely misleading statement.

Philip Taylor, RHBNC

Received on Friday, 29 August 2003 07:24:02 UTC