Re: DTDs - not a fixed set

Liam Quinn <> wrote:

>On Fri, 25 Oct 2002, Nick Kew wrote:
>>On Fri, 25 Oct 2002, Terje Bless wrote:
>>>Chris Lilley <> wrote:
>>>>It seems that the validation service will not fetch DTDs over HTTP,
>>>It's supposed to fetch DTD over HTTP so if this fails we have a bug.
>>Should check the SP version used.  jjc's original didn't support
>>virtual hosts (Host: HTTP header).  I think the update's in OpenSP, but
>>now you mention the problem, it might be an idea to double-check:-)
>>Liam - could your recent security patch affect this?
>It shouldn't, but it's possible that there's a bug.  A sample document
>would be very helpful.

I just checked the version of SP in use on :8001. It's OpenSP 1.5pre8 with
--enable-http and -R support. Running "onsgmls -R http://localhost/" worked
like a charm. IOW it's not any obvious breakage in SP that's causing this,
but it may of course be a problem with vhost support or something more

"Temper Temper! Mr. Dre? Mr. NWA? Mr. AK, comin´
 straight outta Compton and y'all better make way?"            -- eminem

Received on Friday, 25 October 2002 18:35:29 UTC