Re: [beta] suggestions

Karl Dubost <> wrote:

>>>* Fatal Error: No Doctype specified!
>>> The
>>>example which is given does not contain encoding information, but if
>>>you try to validate a document without encoding information, the
>>>validator will say that it's not correct.
>>The example shows a HTML snippet; encoding information should be in the
>>HTTP headers. IOW the two are not related (and I seriously don't want
>>to encourage the use of <meta> for no good reason).
>Yep ok :) or adding the xml declaration at the top with the encoding.

The XML Decl is still problematic in too many recent browsers for me to
feel comfortable reccomending it (in this context) without major caveats.
But, of course, we could always add said major caveats... :-)

> I suggest you attend some sort of anger management class....
That's where you learn to upset the PHBs? -- Peter da Silva

Received on Thursday, 24 October 2002 13:49:44 UTC