Re: Is '=' valid in <a> href attributes?

On Sun, 20 Oct 2002, Anand Kumria wrote:

> I happened to be reading an article in Wired and I thought I'd see how
> valid the page was. I was pleasantly surprised to find just one thing
> preventing from pronoucing it good.
> <URL:
> As you can see, the validator complains about line 107 where you have:
> <a
> href=""
> target=_top>Politics</a>
> While the validator will probably complain about the target attribute
> being unquoted it is actually complaining about 'section=...". I
> couldn't find anything which indicates '=' is bad in an attribute.

When I visit the validation results URL you gave, the only error reported
is for the unquoted attribute value for target.  ("Error: attribute values
must be quoted in XML".)

There's no problem with using "=" unescaped in HTML attribute values.

Liam Quinn

Received on Sunday, 20 October 2002 21:48:04 UTC