Fault in icon code

First of all thanks for the very useful validation services.


After successful validation of a web page, I inserted the HTML code for 
the Valid HTML icon provided in (http://validator.w3.org/). Then 
running the Link Checker I obtained error due to a broken link 
(http://validator.w3.org/check/referer) supplied for the icon.Using 
this URI explicitly in a web browser doesn’t cause any problems since 
there is a direction to http://validator.w3.org/.


With love and concern,

Per Erlandsson

Phone: +46 8 512 353 46

Mobile: +46 736 899 488

Mail: perland@neteject.com

Web site: http://neteject.com/per/


Received on Friday, 4 October 2002 04:35:39 UTC