Re: DOCTYPE tag and non english page

At 05:48 -0500 on 01/28/2002, Dan Ohnesorg wrote about DOCTYPE tag 
and non english page:

>I think, that if I have pages in czech, I should use this tag:
><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//CS">
>But validator says, that I should use
><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
>Is my idea wrong, or is wrong the validator.

The EN says the HTML is in English. The CONTENT does not need to be. 
You can type your displayable text in Czech - It is just the HTML 
Tags that must be in English.

>Thank for your opinion.
>Dan Ohnesorg
>                     ________________________________________
>DD   DD                Dan Ohnesorg, supervisor on POWER    
>DD  OOOO     
>DD OODDOO              Dep. of Power Engineering
>DDDDDD OO              CTU FEL Prague, Bohemia
>    OO  OO              work: +420 2 24352785;+420 2 24972109
>     OOOO               home: +420 311 679679;+420 311 679311
>                     ________________________________________
>  My spotrebitele nezneuzivame. Delame jenom to, ze je podrzime
>  dokud je nezneuziji prodavaci.



Bob Rosenberg
Rockmug Webmaster

Received on Tuesday, 29 January 2002 00:14:03 UTC