Re: Fonts in validator page

Bertilo Wennergren <> wrote:

>[...] if the font choices do cause problems, they can just be left
>out. You can use a lot of pretty CSS without having to say anything
>about font-family. Just let everyone get his own default font

For the next version, this is exactly what we did. The font-family is now
generic (e.g. "sans-serif") and we ditched a whole lot of *-spacing
properties. Not so much because they aren't needed as because I absolutely
*suck* at typography and layout and would rather leave it to browser
defaults then inflict my impressively inept sense of style on people. :-)

>Then go wild with colors instead...

And the current state doesn't count as going "wild with colors"? :-)

Interviewer: "In what language do you write your algorithms?"
    Abigail: English.
Interviewer: "What would you do if, say, Telnet didn't work?"
    Abigail: Look at the error message.

Received on Friday, 13 December 2002 00:55:50 UTC