Re: forcing doctype when calling validator?

Jules Richardson <> wrote:

>Is there a parameter that can be fed to the validation script to force
>the doctype for a page? (or better still, suggest a doctype which will
>be ignored if one is present in the supplied markup?)
>I'm using Opera for my main web browser which has a nice built in
>validation feature - but 99% of code out there has no doctype at all, so
>the validator just refuses to attempt anything. I'd like to at least be
>able to suggest a default that would result in the validation script
>attempting to validate the code...

In the result page you get when validating an URI without a DOCTYPE there
is a popup menu you can use to choose the DOCTYPE you want used. This will
override any existing DOCTYPE or insert one if it's missing. Similarly for
the character encoding popup if that's also a problem for your sites.

Received on Thursday, 5 December 2002 23:07:23 UTC