Re: pls change main validator form back to GET

* Olivier Thereaux <> [2002-12-03 10:38+0900]
> I would really like people on this list to discuss the alternative 
> we're facing:
> 1 - "strict" POST/GET with two forms
> 2 - the hybrid system we have in 0.6.1, with one form (POST), and the 
> POST request is redirected to a GET request should the POST be 
> non-necessary.

I think it makes sense to split it into two forms, one doing
a GET, the other doing a POST. I don't understand how that
would impact usability in any negative way? A bit of extra
whitespace between the forms?

Even setting aside the theoretical reasons for doing this, it
seems to make sense to me to use different methods for these
different activities: validating a URI on the Web somewhere is
generally a "safe" thing to do (therefore GET is appropriate),
while uploading a file from your hard drive is not, therefore
POST is appropriate.

If these two different activities are treated differently by the
validation service, user agents can make this distinction clear
to users so they will stop and think, "do I really want to upload
this file from my hard drive?" before doing a file upload.

Meanwhile, the more common case of people validating pages on the
public Web can have all the benefits of HTTP GET: bookmarkability,
cacheability, etc.

Gerald Oskoboiny
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Wednesday, 4 December 2002 03:25:45 UTC